Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weather Confusion

The term 'spinter' has been coined to describe the time between winter and spring, specifically the months of March and April. These are the months where you may be confused as to what to wear because of the unusual weather patterns, especially this year. You would like to wear shorts but it is still a bit chilly, which makes you want to put on a jacket. Even the lovers of fashion could be caught in the mess of what to wear this season and be caught in wardrobe blunders. Here are some tips on what to wear and what would make you most comfortable.

Instead of flip flops and a down jacket, which are great separately, however not competent at all together, grab a pair of ballet flats and trench coat instead. You will be able to feel the air of springtime without fully exposing your toes and a bright trench will balance it all out.

Legwarmers and skirts are a no for this time of year. Skirts are good all year round but when the first of spring hits people get anxious and decide to pair them with leg-warmers, but would look much better with stocking which is definitely good for spring. Leg-warmers are meant to keep your legs warm so it defeats the whole purpose. So the solution for this is to wear a maxi dress. This will give you the same 'breezy' feeling as wearing a short skirt but it doesn't expose your legs. Paired with a cropped blazer and ballet flats you will be totally prepared for the weather.


Even though they say UGGS were made for the cold weather, they just don't do justice when paired with shorts. Instead choose to wear shorts with a pair of tights. This is a look you do not see often but it is still considered fashionable. This is an obvious trend to go for if you are looking to wear shorts in the spring.


  1. Nice blog, but what would you recommend for men in that "spinter" time. Can never tell when it time to bring those chubbies shorts out for the summer.

  2. These are definitely some great gift ideas for my girlfriend love the post

  3. I like the ideas from this post. It can be very hard to figure out what to wear during this weather
