Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Workout in Style

When going to the gym, people obviously do not wear their regular everyday clothes, but some sort of athletic wear. LuluLemon is the newest fad in athletic wear. It was founded in 1998 but recently became popular and well-known. It is yoga-inspired athletic apparel company. Dennis 'Chip' Wilson created the brand once women's participation in sports and athletics went up. Their main philosophy is to 'create components for people to live long, healthy, and fun lives,' and there core values include product, quality, balance, integrity, greatness, entrepreneurship, and fun. They have about 201 LuluLemon Athletics stores and each offers free yoga classes. Now, what makes this athletic wear different than every other type? Wilson, the founder of the company, discovered yoga classes in Vancouver and realized that cotton just wasn't cutting it. He found that cotton clothing was used for stretchy, sweaty power yoga and did not seem appropriate to Wilson. So his passion became technical athletic fabric. To ensure the success he started to sell these clothes. The design studio became a yoga studio at night in order to pay the rent. Feedback and insights from other yoga teachers who wore the clothes was what Wilson was dependent on, to see if his clothing was a success or not. They offer both men and women's athletic wear which is a plus. The price range may be a little high but if you are dedicated to your workouts then these are definitely products to consider!

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